•• Main Window This window is the central window of the VoiceCalendar program. On the right side there are 12 buttons each labeled for a month of the year. The bottom row has seven buttons labeled for years from 1995 to 2000. At the center, the days of the month are displayed for the selected month and year. At startup the current date is selected. User can select a date for new entry or lookup by simply clicking in the desired day, month, and year and then selecting the action they wish to perform. On the top right corner is the digital display of the current date and time. Finally there are a series of navigating buttons stacked on the left. These button from top to bottom are: • Focus Softworks Button: Pressing this button would bring up the portion of the help module describing how to reach Focus Softworks for comments and suggestions. • New Button: This button would activate the new entry window. From the entry window user can enter a new message for any desired date and time. See the description of this window in the "New Entry Window" section. • Shrink Button: This button shrinks the main window allowing the user to save precious desktop space and processor time. For more information, see the "Miniature Window" section later in this module. • Lookup Button: This button (with a magnifying glass) activates the lookup window from which the user can review entered messages for the currently selected date. If the currently selected day has no recorded message, pressing this button would have no effect. See "Lookup Window" for more details. • Help Button (?): Clicking this button will bring up the on-line help module where the "Main Window" and its components are described. From this point user can navigate to other section of the module. Please see the "How To Use This Help Module" for more information. • Trash Button: Pressing this button allows the user to delete all entries recorded for any particular day. After clicking this button, user is presented with a dialog requesting confirmation before deleting the messages. Pressing Yes would erase all messages for the selected day and free up disk space used. It is suggested for the user to do so for outdated messages. To see how to erase individual messages for any day see the "Lookup Window" description.